Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
485 lines
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TITLE TSRPARK.ASM -- TesSeRact Demo program to park disk drive heads
SUBTTL Originally TESSPARK.ASM : TesSeRact Revision Level 1
; TesSeRact(tm) -- A Library of Routines for Creating Ram-Resident (TSR)
; programs for the IBM PC and compatible Personal
; Computers.
;The software, documentation and source code are:
; Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 Tesseract Development Team
; All Rights Reserved
; c/o Chip Rabinowitz
; Innovative Data Concepts
; 2084 Woodlawn Avenue
; Glenside, PA 19038
; 1-215-884-3373
; This product supports the TesSeRact Standard for Ram-Resident Program
; Communication. For information about TesSeRact, contact the TesSeRact
; Development Team at:
; Compuserve: 70731,20
; MCIMAIL: 315-5415
; This MCIMAIL Account has been provided to the TesSeRact Development
; Team by Borland International, Inc. The TesSeRact Development Team
; is in no way associated with Borland International, Inc.
; BASED on code originally provided by Jim Mischel
;;;; AUTOPARK.ASM - program to automatically park the disk drive heads
;;;; at specified time intervals.
;;;; Copyright (c) 1988, Jim Mischel
;;;; This program has been assembled using MASM 5.0. Changes may be required
;;;; for use with earlier versions.
;;;;; TSRPARK.ASM - Rick Housh
;;;;; TSRPARK.ASM - Modifications to TESSPARK.ASM to allow variable timing
;;;;; intervals from 1 to 9 minutes for autopark with use of numerical
;;;;; parameter on command line, to support manual parking with use
;;;;; of hotkey, with popup when on DOS command line, detection of
;;;;; park failure on installation, and communication with the resident
;;;;; program to allow dynamically changing the elapsed time between
;;;;; automatic parks. Assembled using MASM 5.1.
;;;;; Everything is self-explanatory, except perhaps how to reset the
;;;;; timer when resident. Just enter ' TSRPARK # ', where # is any number
;;;;; of minutes between 1 and 9, and the new value will be inserted in the
;;;;; resident portion of the program. A message will confirm the change
;;;;; and even the MAPMEM display of residents will show the new value.
;;;;; Entering ' TSRPARK ' with no parameter will yield a confirming message
;;;;; if TSRPARK is resident, and an instructional message if it has not
;;;;; yet been installed. When the hotkey is pressed from the DOS prompt
;;;;; a message is displayed, in addition to the TESSBEEP sound. Inside
;;;;; a program, the sound will occur, but there will be no message.
;;;;; I have changed the "mysterious" headparking code somewhat, and tried
;;;;; to expand the comments to show how it really works. It's not that
;;;;; complicated, and does NOT care whether the computer is an AT or not,
;;;;; contrary to the comments in the original TESSPARK. I have also found
;;;;; an undocumented and useful function. Tch, tch. TSRCHECKRESIDENT
;;;;; returns the segment of the resident program in the es register if
;;;;; it has found the program installed in memory. The documentation
;;;;; only mentions a result returned in the ax register. I found this
;;;;; very useful, and have implemented in TSRPARK.
;;;;; TSRPARK Modifications of TESSPARK, Rick Housh, CIS 72466,212 - 7/18/1988
;;;;; To assemble this TesSeRact version:
.model small
; Ticks2wait is # of timer ticks to wait between the last disk access
; and parking the disk. There are approximately 18.2 ticks per second.
; Maximum possible ticks2wait is 65536 ticks, very close to 1 hour.
; Limit with this configuration is 9828 (9 minutes).
ticks_min equ 1092 ;Number of timer ticks in 1 minute
tinkle equ 1 ;Sound TESSBEEP if set
;set tinkle to 0
;for no sound
tick_count dw ? ;Current count
ticks2wait dw ? ;Ticks to wait: 1092 = 1 minute
; The parkit routine attempts to park all hard disks.
; Returns with carry set if park was unsuccessful.
parkit proc near
mov si,0080h ;Hard drive id nos. start at 80h
pk0: mov ah,08h ;Function gets drive parms.
mov dx,si ;DX is drive ID No.
int 13h ;Get drive parms, dl = No. of drives
jc pkdone ;Error if carry, jump out
xor dh,dh ;Don't need max head-side number
mov di,dx ;Save drive count from dl to di
cmp di,01h ;Is there at least one?
jb pkdone ;If no hard drives, exit
add di,7fh ;Convert drive no. to drive id no.
inc ch ;CH is now tracks + 1
jnb pk1
add cl,40h ;CL is sectors
pk1: mov ax,0c01h ;seek to cylinder
mov dx,si ;DX is drive ID
int 13h ;this does the seek
inc si ;bump drive count
cmp si,di ;Was it the last? No? Then
jbe pk0 ;loop until all drives are parked
if tinkle
parkit endp
; TesSeRact Entry Points
; TSUSERPROC is a NULL procedure. We don't service it in this program.
TSRUSERPROC: ;Return, does nothing
int13ptr dw 0 ;Saved location of INT 13 flag
; from TesSeRact data area
do_park db 0 ;Flag set to 1 when wish to park
TSRminutes db " " ;Holds minutes between parks in ASCII
park_msg label near ;Message to display when popped up
; AND at DOS prompt
db 13,10,10
db 'TSRPark has manually parked the hard disk(s)',13,10
db 'as requested. Will automatically repark in ',13,10
db ' minute(s) after next disk access. ',13
msg_len dw $ - park_msg
reset_it proc near
mov do_park,0 ;Say not to park
mov bx,[int13ptr] ;Get INT13 flag
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ;and turn off because
;parking isn't using.
mov ax,[ticks2wait] ;Use our timer to
mov [tick_count],ax ;restart wait.
reset_it endp
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
mov al,do_park ;Put flag in ax
xor ah,ah ;if non-zero, call TSRBACKPROC
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
call parkit ;Attempt to park it
call reset_it ;and reset everything
TSRMAIN proc near
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
;On hotkey
call parkit ;Park disks
call reset_it ;and reset flags and timer
mov ax,5453h ;TesSerAct function
mov bx,16h ;to get InDos state
mov cx,ParkNum ;This ident #
int 2fh ;Call function 16h
cmp bx,1 ;Check if at DOS prompt
jnz mainX ;and end if not
mov ah,08h ;First read attribute
mov bh,0 ;at current position
int 10h ;then
or ah,08h ;turn on intensity bit
mov bl,ah ;and save it in bl
mov si,offset park_msg ;Point to message
mov cx,[msg_len] ;and its length
putmsg: lodsb ;Load ASCII character
cmp al,20h ;Is it lower than space?
jb no_att ;then don't paint attribute
push ax ;Save character
mov ah,09h ;Paint an attribute
mov al,20h ;with a space
sub bh,bh ;on page zero
push cx ;Save count
mov cx,1 ;With this function
int 10h ;cursor doesn't move
pop cx ;Restore character count
pop ax ;and ASCII character
no_att: mov ah,0eh ;Set to print TTY
sub bh,bh ;at page 0
int 10h ;and print characters
loop putmsg ;until end of string
mov si,offset TSRminutes ;Display minutes
lodsb ;Load a single character
int 10h ;and display it
mov al,10 ;Now a line feed
int 10h ;with TTY display
mov ax,5453h ;TesSeRact function to
mov cx,ParkNum ;Stuff a CR into
mov bx,21h ;Keyboard Buffer
mov di,Offset park_msg ;Point to a 13
mov si,1 ;(one character).
mov dx,0101h ;ASCII - medium speed
int 2fh ;call TesSerAct
;DOS prompt should be back.
;Can't correct error so no test.
mainX: ret
TSRCLEANUP proc near
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
or ax,ax
jnz clean_term
; Please note that the data area returned by this function is also available
; as the TESS_GLOBALS public symbol.
mov cx,ParkNum ;This program's ID num.
mov bx,4h ;in data area
mov ax,5453h ;Ready for multiplex
int 2fh ;Call it, then point bx to
add bx,3h ;offset of TesSerAct flag "Was13"
mov int13ptr,bx ;and put in local pointer
;Since program owns segment
;no need to worry about it!
clean_term: ;Nothing needed to terminate!
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
mov bx,[int13ptr] ;Check to see if
cmp byte ptr [bx],1 ;disk has been accessed
jne no_park ;since last parked
mov [do_park],0 ;If no access, set park flag off
dec [tick_count] ;decrement the timer
jnz no_park ;and exit
mov [do_park],1 ;else set park flag on
mov ax,[ticks2wait] ;Use our own parameter
mov [tick_count],ax ;to restart wait
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ;and clear flag
; If AUTOPARK already installed, display error message and exit.
; If not installed, attempt to park the disks and install the resident
; portion.
ParkNum dw 0 ;This ID number
ParkName db 'TSRPARK ',0 ;This Identification string
public topstack
db 48 dup('Back_Gnd') ;BackProcStack - 384 bytes
db 48 dup('TSR_Main') ;MainProcStack - 384 bytes
topstack equ this byte
PUBLIC TESSINITSTART ;required entry point
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
jmp start_init
mov si,80h ;Start of command line
lodsb ;Command length
cmp al,0 ;If nothing on command line
jz cmd_err ;exit
get_1: lodsb ;else get next character
cmp al,13 ;A CR? Then end of line
jz cmd_err ;with nothing legal. Exit.
cmp al,"1" - 1 ;Is it < ASCII "1"?
ja chk_9 ;No? Check for > "9"
jmp short get_1 ;Yes? get another.
chk_9: cmp al,"9" + 1 ;Above a nine?
jb cmd_ok ;No? OK - between "1" and "9"
jmp short get_1 ;Yes? Get another
cmd_ok: mov [TSRminutes],al ;Is between 1 and 9, so
;save in TSR ASCII variable
mov [minutes],al ;And in non-resident part too.
and ax,0Fh ;Convert ASCII to numerical
mov cx, ticks_min
mul cx ;Multiply by ticks_min. (1092)
mov di,offset tick_count
stosw ;and initialize count
stosw ;and wait timer value
;The next few bytes just stuff "# minute(s)." into the command line
;which will be carried along with the resident program, for MAPMEM
;or its ilk to see our wait time.
mov si,offset signon ;Signon starts with a CR
mov di,80h ;which is the value we need.
movsb ;Move 13 to the length byte at 80h
mov si,offset minutes ;Point source at '# minute(s).'
mov di,82h ;destination at command line
mov cx,13 ;and move 13 bytes
stuff_loop: ;looping here
loop stuff_loop
clc ;then, after clearing carry flag
ret ;exit subroutine
stc ;Set carry flag
ret ;and return
; Although I can't find it in the version 1.00 TesSerAct documentation,
; TSRCHECKRESIDENT, if it finds the code resident, returns not only
; 0ffffh in ax but the segment of the resident version in the es register.
; This makes it unnecessasry to call multiplex function 4 to find
; its location. I will use that undocumented feature here, but
; we should have been told. - Rick Housh
mov si,offset ParkName ;Check to see if
mov di,offset ParkNum ;resident
call TSCHECKRESIDENT ;Returns segment of resident
;program in es if installed
or ax,ax ;If already installed
jnz is_tsr ;then reset or display info msg
jmp short do_install ;else install it
is_tsr: call get_cmd_line ;If NOT valid command line
jc just_checking ;just display status and exit
mov al,[TSRMinutes] ;else get new value in ASCII
mov es:[TSRMinutes],al ;and put it in resident code
mov es:[82h],al ;and in resident cmd line for mapmem
mov ax,[ticks2wait] ;Same with ticks to wait
mov es:[ticks2wait],ax
mov dx,offset tsr_reset ;Tell em have changed it
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp short display_time ;and display new value
mov dx,offset already_installed ;Already installed
mov ah,09h ;and no change, requested so
int 21h ;display status message and exit
mov al,es:[TSRMinutes] ;Get minutes from resident code
mov [minutes],al ;move resident value here
mov dx,offset auto_time ;and display
int 21h ;current TSR minute value
mov ax,4c01h ;Set error code to 1
int 21h ;and quit
do_install: ;"Take care of stack early"
mov si,offset topstack ;Because using both,
mov di,si ;divide stack area
dec di ;into areas for
dec di ;PopUpStack and
sub si,384 ;BackGroundStack
call TSSETSTACK ;Two 384 byte stacks
call get_cmd_line ;Check for valid command line
jc cmdline_err ;If invalid display message and exit
call parkit ;else attempt to park heads
jnc good_park ;If able to park say so
mov dx,offset bad_park ;else print problem
mov ah,09
int 21h
jmp term_it ;and quit with error code
; display installed message and exit
mov dx,offset installed
mov ah,09 ;Show that it's installed
int 21h
mov dx,offset miwa_miwa_parwa_stella
mov ah,09
int 21h ;and that it tinkles
mov dx,offset TESSINITSTART
mov bx,1070h ;No pop graphics, timer proc,
; background and main procs only
mov ax,0A19h ;Alt-LeftShift-P
;will be hotkey for manual park.
mov ax,4c00h ;Exit with no error code
int 21h
mov dx,offset signon
mov ah,09
int 21h ;Display the signon message
jmp term_it ;and quit with error code
;Non-resident data area
;Following are the message strings for the transient part of the program
;They do not go resident and are not available to the TSR portion
signon label byte
db 13,10,'TESSPARK.COM Version 1.0, Copyright (c) '
db '1988, TesSeRact(tm) Development Team',13,10
db 'All Rights Reserved',13,10,10
db 'Based on Original Code provided by Jim Mischel:',13,10
db ' AUTOPARK 1.0 Copyright (c) 1988, Jim Mischel',13,10,10
db 'TSRPARK additions provided by Rick Housh:',13,10
db ' Hotkey instant park, variable auto park intervals,',13,10
db ' popup message (at DOS prompt), detection of park',13,10
db ' failure on installation, and change of timer while',13,10
db ' resident without removal and reinstallation.'
db 13,10,10
db 7,'Command line error. TSRPark NOT loaded.',7,13,10,10
db 'Syntax: TSRPARK # (Where # is 1 - 9 [minutes] between parks)'
db 13,10,'$'
already_installed label byte
db 13,10,'TSRPARK was already resident',13,10,7,'$'
tsr_reset label byte
db 13,10,'TSRPARK was resident and has been reset.',13,10,7,'$'
installed label byte
db 13,10,'TSRPARK installed. '
auto_time label byte
db 'Auto park every '
minutes db ' '
db ' minute(s).',13,10
db 'Alt + Left Shift + "P" parks hard disks instantly',13,10,'$'
miwa_miwa_parwa_stella label byte ;Or "miva" and "parva" if you prefer
db 'A "tinkle" will sound when heads are parked',13,10,'$'
bad_park label byte ;BAD PROBLEM, LOTS OF BELLS
db 13,10,7,'Hard disk error. Unable to park hard disk.'
db 13,10,7,'Terminating.',13,10,7,'$'
_TEXT ends